In Her Shoes

HOW DO YOU KEEP your customers coming back? It’s not just about getting in touch for her next order, but it’s about treating her in such a way that builds loyalty and trust between you. So how can you do that?  Here are six 'shoe-in' tips:

  • Think like a customer. Put yourself in her shoes. Remember how you like to be treated when you’re the customer. Look at your business from her point of view. What does she see when she steps into your house to pick up product? How quickly does she receive her order? Is it all there? Have you listened to her needs and desires? Is her encounter with you a bright spot in her day?

  • Make her feel luxurious. Do you remember those movies where the heroine goes shopping in New York and the back seat of her convertible teems with beautifully wrapped packages? It all feels so luxurious, doesn’t it? Why not make your customer feel luxurious when she shops Mary Kay.

  • Be happy about what she does purchase, not what she has not. You don’t want your dream to move up the career ladder more quickly translate into making your customer feel that she’s not buying enough. Little purchases add up too. You don’t want her leaving feeling defensive or pressured.

  • Find a common bond. Sharing laughter over similar funny experiences, or finding out that you both love old movies connects your relationship at a more personal level.

  • Remember her birthday. Family and close friends usually do, but it’s a nice touch when even your beauty consultant remembers. Send a personal card or e-note. Offer a discount on anything she orders during her birthday month, but don’t do it just as a business tool; she’ll pick up if her birthday is just about doing business.

  • Treat her like royalty.  Make her feel important and your customer won't think of going anywhere else.

On another note, I think this also a great recipe for finding and treasuring new friendships. Yes?

Now go and live beautifully!