WE LIVE in a society where the language of the mind—reasoning and logical ideas—rules. But I have come to recognize in my own life, especially as a woman, that when I live more out of my heart than my head, I am more alive and more in tune with who I really am inside.
Author and speaker Mark Virkler considers the language of our heart to be pictures, emotions, spontaneous thoughts (intuitive), and faith. The language of the heart speaks beauty and hope. It speaks truth in love. It is different from the language of the mind.
I've talked before about choosing work and projects that make our hearts sing. When I’m working on a project because my mind tells me “It’s a good idea, you’ll make good money at it,” but my heart says, “I don’t like it, I don’t care how much money’s involved,” guess what, only my head is happy. But if the project touches beauty, love and hope in some way, as well as money, then my head and my heart are both happy.
Grace Note:
We’ve all heard the phrase a picture is worth a thousand words. So right now, picture a project that makes your heart sing. Something that matters to your heart. When we live from our hearts, we love, we care, we reach out and make a difference because our heart is touched. If we would allow our hearts more time on the floor, I believe we would be happier, more content, and more passionate about our lives.