Pink Pearls

  Mary Kay Ash Quotes

On Women...
“Building a career can be extremely fulfilling. You will discover strengths and resolve weaknesses you never knew existed within yourself. But if you lose your family in the process, then I believe you will have failed. Success is so much more wonderful when you have someone to share it with. It’s no fun to come home and count your money by yourself.”

“We have an obligation to inject into world affairs all those traits which have long been considered female. These include such things as honor, integrity, love, and honesty. I believe it’s wrong for women to feel that they must emulate or copy men in order to succeed.” (quote found at Famous Women and Beauty)

On Affirming...
"When affirming someone, be specific. 'You can do it' is too general. You can do what? Tell the person something specific, like 'you can make two phone calls this morning before we meet for coffee."

On Being Kinder...
"My goal is to live every day as if it were the holidays -- to be kinder, more gentle, more loving than ever before to everyone I meet. If you will pledge with me to do this, then we can indeed change this old world for the better."

On Constructive Action...
"Be careful not to confuse mere activity with action. You can put in a lot of miles running in place -- but you will stop right where you started. The secret is constructive action. (Place) a value on your time and (learn) to balance and budget your time. Treat it as if it were gold, which it is."

On Teamwork...

Teamwork allows each person to be valued and appreciated by others while contributing to the Company's success.

On Sharing...

We are the recipients of countless gifts from friends of the past. We remember these friends with gratitude and try to pass on to others something of what we have received.

On How To Treat Others...
I have learned to imagine an invisible sign around each person's neck that says, 'Make me feel important!' I never cease to be amazed at how positively people react. ~ Mary Kay Ash

On Enthusiasm...
Enthusiasm is the key not only to achievement of great things, but to the accomplishment of anything worthwhile.

Enthusiasm is a way of life. It's a magic spark that transforms being into living, and it makes hard work enjoyable.

Enthusiasm is the greatest elixir known to man. Nothing will help you to sell yourself better than the power of your personal enthusiasm.